14 July 2011

This is awesome!

Richie Jackson+Pentagram=absolutely ferfect

And a bit sentimental for me...

11 July 2011


Dance Is Over

Record shopping day! I just got The Sadistic Mika Band's ol' vinyl.I am so happy since I never thought I would be able to get it here in London! They are one of the great Japanese bands from the seventies and still sounding awesome! Check them out xxx

23 April 2011

I love Chris Wilson from Flamin Groovies and The Barracudas.
Flamin Groovies doing the show tomoorow! The original Cyril and Roy going to be there and Chris might show!!!
Gutted I cannot make it down....
So I am listening to them and dancing at my tiny room all day instead...
This is killer!! ↓↓↓↓↓

I want a candy like him ♥♥♥

16 April 2011

Rock-a Roll-a

I got my first little guitar at Broadway market today. Though it's only 30 quid,looks pretty!
I will start to practice playing it tomorrow.So excited!!!!!

I♥Wanda Jackson

I can be like Wanda Jackson??
NO,I am just a slaphappy rock a billy girl...

15 April 2011


Hell yes!! Blue Cheer is my hero yesterday,today and tomorrow...


24 March 2011

Dakota Jim

I went to Jamboree where is one of the loveliest venues in London to see Dakota Jim couple of days ago.He was doing great as always! I haven't seen hes busking for a long time so really hope to catch him and listen to it on the street very very soon and get a mood lifter!!!

I love buskers

bisous xxx

swinging swinging swinging

some pics from the lovely gigs which I saw recently...

What a dreamy stage @ Notting Hill Arts Club.This lady from Rockit was dressed in fabulous long long fringe dress!


They are wonderful!!! Sounding awesome!!!

Love it love it love it!!! I cannot wait for their next one!!!
(shame that I couldnt take better photos sinse I was loaded,,,)

I am needing more live music.Can anyone recommend?

26 February 2011

Camberwell Crypt

I had an awesome night at camberwell church last night.There is one of my favourite places in London.Even though I haven't been there quite long time...Last night,gram jazz diva Juliet Kelly was doing great live.She is fabulous!I love her velvety and smokey voice.I think her style is a bit distinctive,like mix jazz,soul,funk and,,, She spoke to me after play,she is such a lovely lady as well!She reminds me Billie Holiday(Of course she did a tune of hers!).I like jazz but basically I am not a kind of jazzy girl plus terribly under knowledge of jazz... well well,I will hit more gigs like that and be a gram jazz cat!

I love South London x

25 February 2011

14 February 2011

I have the blues...

I am dying inside because I am so numb.
I well know it was just the distant past for him but sometimes it seems like yesterday for me and I could still picture it clearly.It is so weird how fast time flies but it takes quite time to recover.I could see everything has changed but I myself have changed nothing yet.I regret a lot and I would love to back to that day.Now I remember something from the book which I read before,that says like 'Loneliness pains me,silence has me exasperated'. hmm......mmm......
We will be able to see each other sometime?
I still miss you loads but I don't know what to say,,,
Oh merde, such a blue Monday!
Well,the week starts now and back to reality.

So,I smile because I have no idea what's going on.

p.s Happy Valentines Day to you,,, x

7 February 2011

Swinging psychedelia.

My dear friends the finest band in London,Rodeo Massacre just released their debut album ''If You Can't Smoke 'Em Sell 'Em''. I have no words but AWESOME! If you listen to this,you will be in a psychedelic wonderland.Of course I am there.Also I love the artworks that the rock n roll fairy Isabelle made, and the video clips that the metal hairy Zorba did.I do love how they create music and stuff. It is all about do-it-yourself attitude!

I like a lot ♥


31 January 2011

I love bluesmen

Dear chicks and candies,
Please check this out! Mighty Howlin' Wolf was standing in the front and listening Skip James' playing!!
What an awesome footage! Fabulous!!!
I want a time machine badly and would love to listen their live music firsthand.

Swinging blues!!

Question---> Where is my beloved bluesman?


28 January 2011

I am away with the fairies.

Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Se promènent dans la rue deux par deux
Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Savent bien ce que c'est qu'être heureux
Et les yeux dans les yeux, et la main dans la main
Ils s'en vont amoureux sans peur du lendemain
Oui mais moi, je vais seule par les rues, l'âme en peine
Oui mais moi, je vais seule, car personne ne m'aime
Mes jours comme mes nuits
Sont en tous points pareils
Sans joies et plein d'ennuis
Personne ne murmure je t'aime à mon oreille
Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Font ensemble des projets d'avenir
Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Savent très bien ce qu'aimer veut dire
Et les yeux dans les yeux, et la main dans la main
Ils s'en vont amoureux sans peur du lendemain
Oui mais moi, je vais seule par les rues l'âme en peine
Oui mais moi, je vais seule, car personne ne m'aime
Mes jours comme mes nuits
Sont en tous points pareils
Sans joies et pleins d'ennuis
Quand donc pour moi brillera le soleil?
Comme les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Connaîtrais-je bientôt ce qu'est l'amour?
Comme les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Je me demande quand viendra le jour
Où les yeux dans ses yeux et la main dans sa main
J'aurai le coeur heureux sans peur du lendemain
Le jour où je n'aurai plus du tout l'âme en peine
Le jour où moi aussi j'aurai quelqu'un qui m'aime.

''My days are like my nights.All the same.Without joy and full of boredom.''
''The eyes and eyes,hand and hand.My heart will be happy without fear of the next day.''

I am a sort of melancholy fille today.
Sorrowful day.

I think the only one thing to sort myself out is listening to this over and over.
I love you badly, Francoise Hardy.

21 January 2011

hier ou demain

Écoute mon c'ur qui bat Il ne bat pas pour toi, Mais pour un autre que toi Que je ne connais pas. Hier ou demain, Je t'aurais dit oui. Hier ou demain, Mais pas aujourd'hui. Oui, j'aurais pu être à toi,
Mais tu n'étais pas là. J'étais libre comme toi, Mais ne le savais pas. Hier ou demain, Je t'aurais dit oui. Hier ou demain, Mais pas aujourd'hui. Hier est si loin déjà Et je ne t'aimais pas. Et dès demain si tu penses à moi Je ne serai plus là. Hier ou demain, Je t'aurais dit oui. Hier ou demain, Mais pas aujourd'hui. Hier ou demain, Mais pas aujourd'hui.

Bisous x

14 January 2011

Julie ♥

when I was getting back from college this afternoon,I saw Julie Verhoeven at the tube station!She looks so gorgeous and I love her look.First time I found her out was about 10 years ago then It amazed me how brilliant she is.Personally,especially I like the girls that she draws,they are so attractive, sexy,nasty and bit of a gross. Incredible!! They are sort of the ladies who I want to be.Most of her works, It seems that she creates like fairytale! Also I like some collections from Gibo which she designed for them before.
Anyhow,finally I'll get tattoos very soon,how I wish she could draw something for my tattoos. Ha!
